Finding Calm Reflections Journal

Finding Calm Reflections Journal

Do You Feel Like Your Life is Filled with Constant Chaos?

Are you ready to mindfully take control of the Stress?


Stay Ahead of Stress with the Finding Calm Journal

that helps you be mindful throughout your Day

Inside the Finding Calm Journal, you'll find a range of prompts and exercises that will help you cultivate a greater sense of mindfulness in your daily life.

With each prompt, you'll be encouraged to slow down, focus on the present moment, and find peace and tranquility in the chaos around you. The gentle, soothing colors and beautiful designs of this journal are also carefully chosen to inspire a sense of calm and relaxation.

From the delicate floral patterns to the heartwarming prompts, this journal is a wonderful tool for anyone looking to prioritize mindfulness and self-care.

So if you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or in need of a little more mindfulness in your life, the Finding Calm journal is the perfect companion.

Order yours today and take the first step towards a more centered, mindful, and peaceful life.

Perfect for the stressed woman who feels like chaos is taking over and is looking for a way to add more calm to their life.

If you serve these customers, grab your copy today. You get commercial use rights, meaning you can edit the files and sell the finished product in PDF format. 

Note: This is a digital file. No Physical product will be delivered. 

What's Included:

 Total of 53 pages – Canva, PowerPoint and PDF files in 8.5X11 size

✔Includes 31 Journal prompt pages

Doodle page

✔Practicing Mindfulness Pages

✔Mindfulness Thoughts

✔ Instant Access after purchase

✔ Download Guide with Instructions and FAQs



  1. PowerPoint is needed to edit the templates in PowerPoint.
  2. You will get a PDF for your personal use.
  3. After you order, you will receive immediate access to a link to download your templates.
  4. Start editing and customizing your template. You can edit images, elements, fonts, colors, and more.
  5. Save your design and share it with your audience.

But Wait...We're not finished. We've included two bonuses to help you get a quick start on being more mindful.

We created a 7-Day challenge that takes you through 7 different areas of your life:

  • Mindful Eating

  • Mindful Communication

  • Mindful Self-Care

  • Mindful Gratitude

  • Mindful Reflection

And we created a one-page Finding Calm Checklist you can use to immediately know if you are being mindful.

It includes prompts for when you Begin your day, End your day, when you're Stressed, and Throughout your day.


So who am I and what makes me qualified to help you? Well, glad you asked.

Hi, I'm Carol, the face behind the designs at Country Girl Creatives. I'm a mom of three, and a grandmother to 6.

I've been blogging and running different types of businesses since 2008. I'm a passionate crafter, and love to quilt.

I've been a behind-the-scenes ghostwriting copywriter for the past 15 years. I've written sales copy, marketing copy, and product descriptions for some of the top PLR and product sellers.

I've studied and practiced how to set up these pages and what works. And I've seen many sales pages that didn't work so well either

I'm a trained designer with an eye for color. And I love to be organized and work without clutter. But my greatest passion is to be able to guide you to create something you can be proud of.

That's why I wanted to give you a boost when it comes to creating your own projects. Use these as they are meant, as a guide. But like every business, personalize your copy to fit you.

Commercial Rights Terms

Here’s What You Can Do

  • Can Be Used As Your Branding (Not Exclusive Rights)
  • Can Be Used In Commercial Projects for Customer's Personal Use
  • Can Edit/Change the Files in Any Way You Want
  • Yes, You Can Create Stickers, Print-on-Demand Products, Planners, Journals, Coloring Books, Use in Membership Sites, and Create Any Other Type of Product for Commercial Use in an End Product (You Can Create a PDF File, a T-Shirt, Ebook, Blog Post, Planner, Journal, Etc)
  • Any end product that uses the item along with other items in a larger body of work (planner, journal, stickers)

Here’s What You Cannot Do

  •  Cannot Resell Any of These Items As Individual Files on Marketplaces (Please No Listing the Source Files or Graphics on Creative Market or Etsy). No reselling PLR rights
  • Cannot Pass On, Sell or Give Away the Canva template source files (cannot resell the editable Canva template -instead it must be sold or given away as a PDF file) with PLR Rights, Commercial Use, or Master Resell Rights Unless You Purchase the Commercial Resell Rights.
  • If you are unsure or have any questions about these Terms of Use, please contact us through the website at:

​​​Pleate that all orders are delivered tothe email you entered at checkout. Please make sure it's the correct one.

I hope you like our designs. And be sure to come back often as we are adding new products. 

Carol O. 



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